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Light Development Date Picker 1

Light Development Date Picker 1

Screenshots of Light Development Date Picker

Light Development Date Picker Publisher's Description

With the Light Development date picker any date selection is a simple task to achieve. The user interface component displays a month and year selector together with all days of the currently set month.

A user can switch to any date and pick the desired setting easily.

Use for own applications and extensions

The package has classes to build into own applications instantly. The classes can be used to build extensions for individual needs as well.


The package consists of the class binaries in a Java archive file. The binaries are accompanied by a brief user manual (usage is really simple). In addition a short Java source file builds an example of an application that utilizes a Light Development date picker (see screenshot).

Sources available

With the distribution license all source codes are included in the package as well. The source codes are accompanied by detailed API documentations.

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